Tracy Chaplin, Co-Nexio Founder and Principal
The red thread throughout my entire career has centered around designing and leading transformative cohort-based learning programs and strategic change initiatives, building individual and collective capacity for conscious leadership and resilience, (though we didn't call it that years ago). I've worked with numerous outdoor education centers, developed and directed two sustainability-focused nonprofit organizations, developed countless educational programs, worked for a few universities, and mentored hundreds of emerging leaders (of all ages). Ultimately, it's about noticing, naming, and releasing assumptions and limitations, so that you can manifest the highest potential in the work you do for the world - and then doing that work in connection with others to amplify your positive impact.
Co-Nexio (the Latin root word of 'connection') is my platform. It seems to me most of the challenges in the world today are based on an illusion of separation, and new solutions are to be found by moving back into our natural state of connection. This is the foundation of everything I do.
I serve as a global steward of The Art of Hosting & Harvesting Conversations that Matter, a Flow Game Host, a Real Colors facilitator, and I practice meditation & energy-healing with my Lightwork community. For 10 years, I co-founded, developed, and directed a sustainability education center based on permaculture, social entrepreneurship, nonviolence, and community resilience in Michigan. It was my honor to serve as Program Director/Senior Lecturer for the Masters in Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability (MSLS) at Blekinge Institute of Technology in Karlskrona, Sweden from 2011-2015.
Having returned to the U.S. from Sweden in 2015, I now make my home in Duluth Minnesota (Onigamiising) on ancestral and contemporary Ojibwe land, along the shores of magical Lake Superior. I’m happiest practicing my artwork - Stoneweaver, in a boat on a lake, enjoying a local music event, or hanging out with my Bernese mountain dog, Sylvie.